quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2013

Triângulo de intervenção do apoio psicossocial

Estabelecer e criar prioridades na Intervenção Psicossocial.
O Modelo a seguir!

Personal Presentation


Personal Presentation

We all know that Disasters can strike at any time, from natural as earthquakes, forest fires or man-made disasters such as actions designed to hurt other people as terrorism.

It is usual to find those times as something hard to understand, taking us some times, not to be able to cope with the events. But we also know that naturally people want to help others!

Not only for those affected but also for field operations personal, psychologists and psychiatrists it is important to have an over view on psychosocial support, with usual is a quite logical and simple intervention. Understanding that safety and the normalization of some reactions is most of times the enough and correct procedure.

In this sense Psychological First Aid (PFA) as been in the last years, probably the most consensual approach in this field area intervention among mental health technicians. Seeing PFA as a technique that seeks to promote safety, normalize reactions and psy-educate the affected people, searching to link people to their one strategies of feeling safe normally.

Trauma Experience

During the academic way, searching for the of  Specializing in Psychosocial Support in Crisis, Catastrophes and emergency situations, Stress Management, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PFA and CISM. Miguel has wide ranging experience of research, since he works as University Professor, but also providing not only support but also consultancy and Training in graduated courses Post Graduations and workshop specially with Health and Civil Protection personal both nationally and internationally.

Civil Protection Experience 

He serves as a Fire Officer in the Portalegre, Portugal fire Brigade, and also as the coordinator of the Psychosocial support team of Portalegre, being the first person to develop an Psychosocial intervention plan in for a district Portugal. Miguel Arriaga was also a lecture in all EU- Hamburg Fire Rescue CMI courses, providing the subject Stress Management. And working as the National Civil Protection for the develop of the National Psychosocial Support TEAMS.

Field Trauma Experience

Miguel has personal experience of attending scenes of major disasters as Team Leader (e.g.):

-          Aluvião Madeira

-          Acidente A23

-          Acidente IC8

Foto- http://counterstrikezero.wordpress.com/2007/08/19/introducao/
Foto- http://vidadebombeiro49.blogspot.pt/2013_04_01_archive.HTML

quarta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2013

Mais de 4300 Visualizações!

Curso Nível III
Intervenção Psicossocial em Situações de Catástrofe, Crise e Emergência
(Proteção Civil dos Açores/ Escola Superior de Saúde de Portalegre)
Outubro de 2013